Saturday 21 November 2015

Techno Grad Girl-A Poem by Dipika Biswas

Dipika 2nd year (CSE)Mewar University

Techno Grad Girl

Little girl, twinkling eyes
Didn’t understand mean lives
Unaware of harshness around
Enjoys everything surround

She was princess of her father
And led him down never
Having ambitions higher
Wants to achieve nothing slower

Finished every exam scholarly
Worked hard for every task passionately
Finally the time came to view
 When she faced her first interview

Everywhere there is a noise
They only want candidate who are boys
She went there with great fascination
But became victim of discrimination
Now she understands world’s ruthlessness
Girls are discriminated since ages
It made her determination strong
And now nothing can go wrong

Hard work, persistent effort led her to success
Hence no one can stop her progress
She became established entrepreneur
This satisfied every questions answer

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